The less than perfect Cardinal Archbishop Emeritus tells us who would be the Perfect Pope to succeed the Pope Emeritus

Among some of the musings--we need a Pope who: speaks at least six languages fluently; who has served as a pastoral priest and bishop for many decades; who has extensive administrative and financial experience; who is an intellectual and scholar; who is an ordinary person who can relate to people; who can relate to college graduates and to migrant farm workers; who can proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that attracts hundreds of millions of new followers; who spends hours each day in prayer, while appearing on numerous television programs; who can understand Latin, and be on Facebook and Twitter at the same time; who can engage young people while consoling the elderly; who can speak clearly about Angola in one moment, and Tibet in the next; who can overnight increase vocations to the priesthood and to religious life. And that's just the beginning of the list!

Source: The official blog of the Archbishop Emeritus of L.A.


Geremia said…
Which cardinal(s) would this be?