
Showing posts with the label Cardinal Marx

Former sect members criticise Munich Cardinal Marx

Cardinal Marx opens exhibition on "Damned Desire"

Official residence of Cardinal Marx raided by investigators on search for concealed documents

Bishop praises Prime Minister for defence of the Cross

Mayor calls for resignation of Bishop and Cardinal

Data from shredded list of abusers miraculously retrieved

Cardinal Marx celebrates Queer Mass and says "Sorry"

Cardinal Marx awards Catholic media prize to "How God made us - Coming-out in the Catholic Church" documentary

Cardinal Marx in favour of female diaconate

Cardinal attacks anonymous book on the Pope

Cardinal wants debate on ordination of married men....and more

Cardinal: "Democracy does not run by itself"

Cardinal: no changes expected to Amoris laetitia

Cardinal: Muslims must adapt their faith to the world of today

Cardinal: Bishops could also enter into dialogue with the German right

Religious leaders react with horror to German election result

Cardinals and Bishops in dispute about ecumenism

Cardinal Sarah attacks Cardinal Marx for heresy.

Cardinal blames social media for changing church doctrine

Cardinal opposes Vatican over church teaching on marriage