
Showing posts with the label Argentina

BBC Radio investigation of role of Pope Francis during the Junta to be broadcast tonight

Cardinal defends Pope from accusations of collaboration with the Argentine junta

Two Brazilian humorous hit songs about Pope and Argentina

Pope was in conflict with conservative Catholics in his Archdiocese

Episcopal successor of Pope accused of covering up for priests accused of trafficking children

His sister says Pope will change the Church

Pope Francis brings liberation theology with him to Rome

Guilty silence of the Church in Argentina during the military dictatorship

Nobel prize winner after audience with Pope defends his record on the Junta

Strong denials that Pope backed homosexual civil partnerships

Pope backs Argentinian sovereignty over Falklands in long private meeting with President Kirchner

Government-backed smear campaign against Pope- Argentinian Parliamentarians demand information

Videos of Pope in court being questioned about military junta

Unlike the Argentinian Bishops, Pope did not want to oppose gay marriage.

Pope's principal accuser was part of terrorist blackmail network

Anticlerical struggle of Radical Left continues against Pope Francis

Baseless smears against Pope being used by "anti-clerical left-wing elements" to attack the Church

Did Pope Francis deliberately try to sabotage the Latin Mass in his own Diocese? Yes.

Communists desecrate Cathedral in Buenos Aires

Statement by Jesuit priest tortured under the Junta on the role of the Pope