French Catholic Bishops condemn parody of Last Supper at opening of Olympics

English translation of the Bishops' Conference Press Release

In view of the Paris Games, the Holy Games project has been mobilising many Catholics for almost three years, gathered to share the sporting and popular fervour around the Paris Games, this magnificent event organized by our Country. 

Last week, we were happy to organize the opening Mass of the Olympic truce, in the presence of many religious, political and sports personalities.


We believe that your values ​​and the principles expressed and disseminated by sport and the Olympic movement contribute to this need unity and fraternity that our world needs so much in the respect of the convictions of all around the sport that brings us together and in order to promote peace of nations and hearts. The opening ceremony proposed by the COJOP offered the whole world wonderful moments of beauty, joy, rich in emotions and universally acclaimed last night.

This ceremony unfortunately included scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity, which we deeply deplore. We thank the members of other religious denominations who have expressed their solidarity with us. This morning, we think of all the Christians on all continents who have been hurt by the excess and provocation of some scenes. We hope that they understand that the Olympic celebration extends far beyond the ideological biases of a few artists. Sport is a wonderful human activity that deeply rejoices the hearts of athletes and spectators. The Olympic movement is at the service of this reality of unity and human fraternity.

Let's get to the field of competitions, may it bring truth, consolation and joy to all!


Cathcon: The buck stops with the Olympics organisers.   They should never have allowed this.
