Cardinal Müller denounces the Olympics opening ceremony - "the mockery of the Last Supper was an act of spiritual terrorism"

Over the weekend, InfoVaticana contacted Cardinal Gerhard Müller to ask him for an assessment of the embarrassing inaugural event seen on Friday in Paris.

Cardinal Müller has responded to our request by sending the following statement, which we reproduce below in full:

On the denigration of the Last Supper at the French Olympic Games:

By Cardinal Gerhard Müller

The completely dehumanized poses with which LGBT ideologues mocked not only Jesus' Last Supper but also his own human dignity at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games are obviously a continuation of the Jacobiners' campaign to de-Christianize France. At the height of this anti-ecclesiastical frenzy, on November 10, 1793, the French revolutionaries had a naked woman dressed as the goddess Reason enter the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris and demonstrate her sexual perversions on the altar.

Blasphemous obscenities against religion are inextricably linked to physical and psychological violence against believers in Christ. The “cult of reason and freedom” is inextricably linked to the Great Terror, which has claimed hundreds of thousands and millions of innocent people in the atheistic totalitarian system – from the Jacobins, masters of the guillotine, to the fascists and communists, to the present day, when Christians are the most persecuted religious community in the world.

The Woke ideology in the West has explicitly atheistic roots, is characterised through and through by hatred of Jesus Christ and the worst incitement against the Catholic Church. It manifests itself in the discrimination of Christians with violent words and actions, including judicial crimes against humanity, for example when parents are deprived of their own children by court order if they do not allow their children's genitals to be mutilated, all under the euphemism of “self-determination of one's own sex.”

The French state authorities justify allowing these anti-Christian and inhuman performances with the ideology of secularism, which in no way means the religious neutrality of the state, but is merely a cover for the brutal violation of the human right to religious freedom and freedom of conscience. People are delirious about the inclusion of "woke" people in a country where Catholics have been systematically marginalized from public life and vilely discriminated against for 200 years.

They do not realize that they have allowed the honor of France, which as a country and culture owes everything to Christianity, to be dragged through the mud and have even contributed to it in a fit of mental alienation. Contempt for religion and conscience necessarily leads to psychological terror and violence. These Olympic authorities should realize this when looking at Francisco Goya's painting from 1797. It is entitled: "The sleep of reason breeds monsters."

In mythology, Saturn or Kronos is the offspring of the earth god Uranus and Gaia, the icon of the new climate religion, and he says bluntly that everything is outdated and decomposed by time, including neo-pagan ideologies. The apostle Paul already described the suicidal consequences that result from the contempt of reason open to God when the eternal power and divinity of God are denied. 

Romans 1:24
Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonour their own bodies among themselves.
Propter quod tradidit illos Deus in desideria cordis eorum, in immunditiam, ut contumeliis afficiant corpora sua in semetipsis :

The mockery of the Last Supper by spiritually rootless and mentally disturbed actors, their instigators and sponsors was an act of spiritual terrorism that backfired on its authors. “The Revolution is like Saturn, it eats its own children and in the end gives birth to despotism with all its mischief,” were the last words of Pierre Verniaud, the leader of the Girondins on the scaffold. And the Jacobins, who carried the anti-Christian cultural revolt to the extreme, were quick to follow suit.

We are less concerned with these historical-philosophical considerations than with the guiding Word of God, which surpasses all human wisdom and even gives hope to the erring that they will escape the prison of their perversion and stupidity:

Ezekiel 33:11
Say to them: As I live, saith the Lord God, I desire not the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way, and live. Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways: and why will you die, O house of Israel?
Dic ad eos : Vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus, nolo mortem impii, sed ut convertatur impius a via sua, et vivat. Convertimini, convertimini a viis vestris pessimis : et quare moriemini, domus Israel?
