Synodalists award modernists prizes. Modernists award synodalists prizes. Modernists and Synodalists award Protestants prizes. Why this need for prizes?

Maria 2.0 also had to receive a prize and did

Korean Joo Mee Hur receives prize for feminist theology

First she earned a degree in economics, then she went into theology: the Korean theologian Joo Mee Hur is being honored for her research. She has dealt with female subjectivity in theology.

The Korean theologian Joo Mee Hur will be honored with the Leonore Siegele Wenschkewitz Prize 2023 for her feminist research. She received the 3,000 euro prize for her dissertation "Inheriting the mother's name. Intercultural theology, female subjectivity and art", which she submitted to the University of Mainz and published this year, said Ute Knie from the "Association for the Promotion of Feminist Theology in Research and Teaching" in Frankfurt am Main with the Evangelical Press Service (epd). The prize will be awarded on November 5th at the Evangelical Academy in Frankfurt.

"Christian women who put faith in action have been in solidarity with marginalized women in South Korea since the 1960s - most prominently, women workers since the 1960s, women victims of sexual violence since the 1970s, and women migrants since the 1990s. This volume focuses on the marginalized female marriage migrants and their experience of oppression. It analyses their socio-political context through a complementary subjective-objective approach and fosters a hermeneutics of empathy between Korean women and female marriage migrants based on historical scrutiny. In searching the scriptures Joo Mee Hur adapts intercultural theology for liberation, balancing between contextual hermeneutics and textual hermeneutics. Contrapuntally the author also opens a theological dialogue with the arts, which leads to a critical response and ethical commitment."

(Cathcon: no one can be pastorally helped by such intellectual excitements as above.  All theory) 

Born in Seoul in 1972, Jo Mee Hur first earned a degree in business administration and then in theology. The pastor is currently a professor of ecumenical missiology at the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey, Switzerland.

For their work, the association also awards the young talent prize worth 500 euros, half to Annabelle Hoffmann and half to Marieke Kutzschbach. The group “Maria 2.0” in Frankfurt, which campaigns for equal rights for the sexes in the Catholic Church, will receive a one-time special ecumenical prize.

Prize for Feminist Theology

The prize for feminist theology, awarded every two years, is named after the church historian and long-time director of the Arnoldshain Evangelical Academy, Leonore Siegele-Wenschkewitz (1944-1999). It serves to honor contributions that particularly promote feminist theology or gender studies in theology.

In addition to the Frankfurt "Association for the Promotion of Feminist Theology in Research and Teaching", the founders of the prize are the Evangelical Academy Frankfurt, the Association of Evangelical Women in Hesse and Nassau and the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN). Since 2017, the EKHN has also been awarding the young talent award together with the club.


Cathcon: Whole lifetimes can be spent at prizegiving ceremonies, benefitting no one.
