Head of German laity thinks Rome is there to learn not to teach.

ZdK President praises the World Synod: Rome shows itself capable of learning

She perceived the ability to learn, says Stetter-Karp, looking at Rome. Since the Pope includes scientific findings about climate change in his teaching, the question arises: "When will this also happen in the field of human sciences?"

The Presidium of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) praised the synod deliberations in Rome as the “beginning of a cultural change”. “The synod condemned sexual violence and the mass abuse of people and at the same time identified it as a structural problem in the church,” said ZdK President Irme Stetter-Karp on Sunday in Berlin. The assembly also spoke out against discrimination against believers based on their sexual orientation, voted to strengthen women's rights in the church and called for more participation of all baptized people.

Overall, she perceived the ability to learn, says Stetter-Karp, referring to Rome. After Pope Francis included scientific findings about climate change in his statements, she asked herself the question: "When will this also happen in the field of human sciences? When the time comes, the question of women in all services and offices of the church should not be a question be more," said the ZdK President.

Hope for changes and outlook for the Synodal Committee

“The four-week consultations that have now come to an end have shown very clearly that concrete, visible changes are needed in the church,” said Stetter-Karp. Action must now follow. "I hope that we will see this in concrete terms, in the local church, all over the world."

Thomas Söding, Vice President of the ZdK and expert at the World Synod in Rome, described the Roman deliberations as a "confirmation of the Synodal Path in Germany." The topics that are being discussed in Germany are “clearly topics that are important everywhere in the universal church,” said Söding. The synod's interim report approved on Saturday identifies all of these issues. Now things have to continue in a decentralized manner, said Söding. The Synodal Committee, which is preparing a Synodal Council for the Catholic Church in Germany, is making this its task.

