Catholic devotions for the 27th October

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Saint of the Day
Reading of the Martyrology
Dedication of the Month
Dedication of the Day
Five Wounds Rosary in Latin
Seven Sorrows Rosary in English
Latin Monastic Office
Reading of the Rule of Saint Benedict
Celebration of Mass
Reading from the School of Jesus Crucified

Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of Our Lady Help of Christians in Turin

The vast and magnificent basilica of Our Lady in Turin, Italy, built by Saint John Bosco between 1863 and 1868, was inspired by a dream-vision which he had in October 1844. The Blessed Virgin showed Don Bosco a vast and lofty church and said:

“This is my house; from it my glory shines forth. You will understand everything when, with your material eyes, you will see in actual fact what you now see with the eyes of your mind.”

Nineteen years later, Don Bosco finally set to work on the basilica of Our Lady Help of Christians. Our Lady, in a second vision, chose the location as that of the place of the martyrdom of Saint Adventer Solutor and Saint Octavious, who were both soldiers under the Emperor Maximianus in the fourth century.

When the foundation of the church was laid, Don Bosco went to the contractor, Charles Buzzetti, and told him:

“I want to pay you at once for this fine work. I don’t know if it will be much, but this is all I have.”

He then took out his little purse and emptied the contents into the hand of the contractor, who was expecting a handful of gold coins. His jaw dropped in dismay when he saw in his hand only eight pennies.

“Don’t be alarmed,” Don Bosco quickly added with a smile, “the Madonna will see to the payment of her church. I am just the instrument, the cashier.” And to those standing by he concluded, “You will see!”

“The whole church was put up by means of graces granted by Mary,” Don Bosco often said. One sixth of the cost, about one million lire in those days, was borne by the generous contributors, devout persons; the rest came from the small offering of those who had been aided by Mary either in health, in business, in family matters, or in some other way.

“Every stone, every ornament, represents one of her graces,” insisted Don Bosco. The original contractor, who received the eight cents, later testified that, “The Church was paid for to the last cent.”

Among the monuments of the Church, the most splendid is the painting above the main altar. Our Blessed Lady Help of Christians occupies the central position, and is surrounded by symbols: God the Father, the Holy Spirit, the Apostles and Evangelists. It measures more than 33 yards square, and is bordered with gold.

There was much opposition to the project of building a church dedicated to and in honor of Our Lady Help of Christians, but Don Bosco insisted. It appears he had a supernatural knowledge that the future of his own congregation, and that of the whole world in the not too distant future, depended on the powerful protection of Mary, Help of Christians, just as it had needed and obtained that protection at Lepanto on October 7, 1571, and at Vienna, on September 12, 1683.

Don Bosco won out, and the vast church was consecrated and dedicated on June 9, 1868. The dedication festivities lasted nine days, and on each day a Bishop preached while another took part in the religious ceremonies.

By the turn of the nineteenth century the Church of Our Lady Help of Christians in Turin had become famous, and in 1911, Pope Saint Pius X gave it the crowning glory by raising it to the rank of a Basilica – The Basilica of Our Lady Help of Christians!

The Reading from the Martyrology

This Day, the Twenty-Seventh Day of October

The Vigil of the holy Apostles Simon and Jude.
At Avila in Spain, the suffering of Ss. Vincent, Sabina, and Christeta.
They were first stretched on the rack until all the joints of their bodies were
dislocated. Their heads were then placed upon stones and they were struck
with heavy bars until their brains were beaten out. Thus, under the governor
Dacian, they fulfilled their martyrdom.
At Thil-Châtel in Gaul, St. Florentius, martyr.
In Cappadocia, the holy martyrs Capitolina and Erotheis her maid; they
suffered in the reign of Diocletian.
In the Indies, St. Frumentius, bishop. He was first a captive there, and
after he was ordained bishop by St. Athanasius, he spread the Gospel in that
At Naples in Campania, St. Gaudiosus, an African bishop. Because of the
Vandal persecution, he came to Campania and died a peaceful death in a
monastery of that city.
In Ethiopia, St. Elesbaan, king. Having overcome the enemies of Christ
at the time of the Emperor Justin, he sent his royal diadem to Jerusalem, led
a monastic life, as he had vowed to do, and departed for his eternal reward

Omnes sancti Mártyres, oráte pro nobis
("All ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us", from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany of the Saints)

October is the Month of the Holy Rosary

Devotion to the Rosary for 27th October

"And there appeared to them cloven tongues as it were of fire ; and it sat upon each of them." Acts 2/3.


Uefore the day of His ascension Our Blessed Lord had promised that He would ask the Father that '*He shall give you another Paraclete, that He may abide with you for ever." That Paraclete is a Comforter, an Advocate, because by inspiring prayer, he prays, as it were, in us, and pleads for us. That Paraclete is the Holy Ghost, and in this third decade of the Glorious Mysteries we are asked to picture to ourselves the fulfilment of Christ's promise as portrayed for us in the Acts of the Apostles. The Holy Ghost descended upon the Apostles in the form of fiery tongues ; the flames representing ardor and power ; and the tongues implying persuasion and wisdom. Mary, the Spouse of the Holy Ghost, is the "Seat of Wisdom." In this decade let us beg her to grant us the intelligence needed in our daily life, and the courage to use it always.


''A faithful band had gathered round
Their Lord's own Mother dear,
A mighty rushing wind is heard,
The Paraclete is near.

Lo ! fiery tongues are resting now
On every sainted head.
And since on every Christian soul
The Spirit's light is shed."

Friday is the Day dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament

Fridays are penitential days and Catholics are to keep in mind Christ's suffering and to sacrifice something for the sake of penance and discipline. The traditional way to do this is to abstain from meat. On this day also, many Catholics make what is known as the "First Fridays Devotion" in honor of the Sacred Heart. This entails going to Mass and receiving Communion in reparation to the Sacred Heart on the first Friday of the month for nine consecutive months. Another Friday practice is to kneel and pray five Paters and five Aves, especially at 3:00pm, the hour Christ died on the Cross.

At matins bound, at Prime reviled
Condemned to death at Terce,
Nailed to the Cross at Sext.
At None His blessed Side they pierced,
They take Him down at Vesper-Tide,
In the grave at Compline lay,
Who henceforth bids His Church observe
These sevenfold hours alway.

The Hours of the Holy Cross

Start of all the Hours
V. Per signum crucis de inimicis nostris.
R. Libera nos Deus noster.
V. By the sign of the cross from our enemies.
R. Our God deliver us.
V. Domine labia mea aperies.
R. Et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam.
V. Thou O Lord wilt open my lips.
R. And my mouth shall declare Thy praise.
V. Deus in adiutorium meum intende.
R. Domine ad adiuvandum me festina.
V. Incline unto my aid O God.
R. O Lord make haste to help me.
V. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.
R. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum.
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ad Matutinum
At Matins, the start of the Day
Initium Start
Patris sapientia, veritas divina,
Deus homo captus est hora matutina:
A notis discipulis cito derelictus:
A Iudaeis traditus, venditus, et afflictus.
The wisdom of the Father, and truth divine beside,
God and man surprised was even at the morning tide:
His known disciples left Him for to follow more:
Sold and betrayed to the Jews they did afflict Him sore.
Ant: O crux venerabilis, quae salutem attulisti miseris, quibus te efferam praeconiis: quoniam vitam nobis caelitum praeparasti.
Ant: O venerable Cross, which hast brought salvation to wretches, by what praise shall I extol thee: for thou hast prepared unto us the heavenly life.
Conclusio Conclusion
Ad Primam
At Prime, the first hour of the day
Initium Start
Hora prima Dominum ducunt ad Pilatum,
A falsis testibus multum accusatum,
Colaphis percutiunt manibus ligatum,
Vultum Dei conspuunt lumen caeli gratum.
They our Lord to Pilate led at the hour of prime,
And by witnesses full false accused much of crime,
His hands tied they beat Him with fists in great dispite,
They upon God's face do spit the heaven's grateful light.
Ant: O crucis victoria, et admirabile signum, in caelesti curia fac nos captare triumphum.
Ant: O victory of the Cross, and admirable sign, cause us to hold our triumph in the heavenly court.
Conclusio Conclusion
Ad Tertiam
At Terce, the third hour of the day 9:00 am
Initium Start
Crucifige clamitant hora tertiarum:
Illusus induitur veste purpurarum:
Caput eius pungitur corona spinarum.
Crucem portat humeris ad locum poenarum. Hymn:
At the third hour of the day they crucify Him cry,
In a purple robe clad Him more to mock thereby,
Piteously His head was pricked with the crown of thorn,
To the place of pain His cross was on His shoulders born.
Ant: Funestae mortis damnatur supplicium, dum Christus in cruce nostra destruxit vincula criminum.
Ant: The punishment of bloody death is condemned, whilst Christ upon the cross hath destroyed the bonds of our offenses.
Conclusio Conclusion
Ad Sextam
At Sext, the sixth hour of the day, noon
Initium Start
Hora sexta Iesus est cruci conclavatus,
Et est cum latronibus pendens deputatus:
Prae tormentis sitiens felle saturatus,
Agnus crimen diluens sic ludificatus.
To the Cross Christ nailed was the sixth hour of the day,
And there hanging with two thieves reputed was as they:
Thirsting by torments made with gall they seek to slake:
Mocked was the Lamb while He our guilt on Him did take.
Ant: Per lignum servi facti sumus, et per sanctam crucem liberati sumus: fructus arboris seduxit nos, filius Dei redemit nos.
Ant: By a tree we were made bondsmen, and by the Holy Cross we are set free: the fruit of the tree seduced us, the Son of God redeemed us.
Conclusio Conclusion
Ad Nonam
At Nones, the ninth hour of the day 3:00 pm
Initium Start
Hora nona Dominus Iesus expiravit:
Eli clamans spiritum patri commendavit:
Latus eius lancea miles perforavit.
Terra tunc contremuit, et sol obscuravit.
Jesus Lord at the ninth hour His spirit forth did send:
Crying Eli and His soul to Father did commend:
With a lance a soldier did pierce through His tender side:
The earth then trembled and the sun His shining light did hide.
Ant: O magnum pietatis opus: mors mortua tunc est, in ligno quando mortua vita fuit.
Ant: O great work of piety: Death then died when life was dead upon the cross.
Conclusio Conclusion
Ad Vesperas
At Vespers, evening prayer 6:00 pm
Initium Start
De cruce deponitur hora vespertina.
Fortitudo latuit in mente divina.
Talem mortem subiit vitae medicina:
Heu corona gloriae iacuit supina.
At the hour of eventide Christ from His cross was ta'en,
In whose soul His fortitude did covertly remain.
Such a death vouchsafed to take of life the medicine sound:
Glory's crown alas the while lay groveling on the ground.
Ant: O crux benedicta, quae sola fuisti digna portare talentum mundi: dulce lignum, dulces clavos, dulcia ferens pondera: super omnia ligna cedrorum, tu sola excelsior: in qua mundi salus pependit, in qua Christus triumphavit, et mors mortem superavit in aeternum.
Ant: O Blessed Cross, which only wast worthy to bear the value of the world: sweet wood, sweet nails bearing sweet weights: thou only excedest in highness all the wood of Cedar: upon which the salvation of the world did hang: on which Christ did triumph, and death overcame death forever.
Conclusio Conclusion
Ad Completorium
At Compline, night time prayer before sleep
Initium Start
Hora completorii datur sepulturae
Corpus Christi nobile, spes vitae futurae
Conditur aromate: complentur scripturae:
Iugi fit memoriae mors haec mihi curae.
When as Compline was come was laid in His tomb,
Christ His body precious the hope of life to come.
Embalmed it was: scriptures thus accomplished we see:
Still this death to have in mind my care O let it be
Ant: Salvator mundi salva nos, qui per crucem et sanguinem tuum redemisti nos, auxiliare nobis, te deprecamur Deus noster.
Ant: Save us O Savior of the world, which by Thy cross and blood hast redeemed us, help us we beseech Thee O our God.
Conclusio Conclusion
Conclusio Horae
Conclusion of the above Hours
V. Adoramus te Christe, et benedicimus tibi.
R. Quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum.
V. We adore Thee O Christ, and we bless Thee.
R. For by Thy holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
Domine Iesu Christe fili Dei vivi, pone passionem, crucem, et mortem tuam inter iudicium tuum et animam meam, nunc, et in hora mortis meae: et mihi largiri digneris gratiam et misericordiam: vivis et defunctis requiem et veniam: Ecclesiae tuae pacem et concordiam, et nobis peccatoribus vitam et gloriam sempiternam. Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo patre in unitate spiritus sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. R. Amen. Let us pray:
O Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the living God, set Thy passion, cross, and death between Thy judgment and my soul, now, and in the hour of my death and vouchsafe to grant unto me grace and mercy: to the living and the dead rest and pardon: to Thy Church peace and concord, and to us sinners life and glory everlasting, who livest and reignest, God, with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end. R. Amen.
Has horas canonicas cum devotione,
Tibi Christe recolo pia ratione:
Ut qui pro me passus es amoris ardore,
Sis mihi solatium, mortis in agone,
These hours canonical with devotion to Thee
And with godly intention O Christ we address,
In the fervor of Thy love that hast suffered for me,
Comfortable be to me in bitter death's distress,

The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary are prayed on  Friday

"I would like to remind you that the Rosary is a biblical prayer, all filled with the Holy Scriptures." It is a prayer from the heart, in which the repetition of the Ave Maria directs the thought and affection towards Christ, and thus is made a confident prayer to Him and our Mother. It is a prayer that helps to meditate on the Word of God and assimilate the Eucharistic Communion, on the model of Mary who kept in her heart everything Jesus did and said and even His Presence. " Pope Benedict XVI

The Rosary in Latin

Chaplet of the Five Holy Wounds of Christ in Latin 

Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady in English

The Reading of the Rule of Saint Benedict for October 27

1 Si, cum hominibus potentibus volumus aliqua suggerere, non praesumimus nisi cum humilitate et reverentia, 
2 quanto magis Domino Deo universorum cum omni humilitate et puritatis devotione supplicandum est. 
3 Et non in multiloquio, sed in puritate cordis  et compunctione lacrimarum nos exaudiri sciamus. 
4 Et ideo brevis debet esse et pura oratio, nisi forte ex affectu inspirationis divinae gratiae protendatur. 
5 In conventu tamen omnino brevietur oratio, et facto signo a priore omnes pariter surgant.

1 If when we wish to request something of powerful men we do not presume to do so except with humility and reverence, 
2 how much more ought we to offer supplications to the universal Lord and God in all humility and purity of devotion?  
3 And we know it is not on account of our wordiness that we are heard, but rather through purity of heart and tears of compunction.  
4 And therefore prayer ought to be brief and pure, unless it happens to be prolonged by a sentiment inspired by divine grace.  
5 In community, however, prayer should always be brief; and at the signal given by the superior all should rise together.

Today's Celebration of the Mass

The Shroud of Turin

Jesus XPI Passio sit semper in cordibus nostris

May the Passion of Jesus Christ be always in our hearts
