Disturbing elevation of 'Tucho' Fernandez, the less than faithful Inquisitor

 "The appointment of Monsignor Víctor Manuel Fernández, Archbishop of La Plata, to preside over the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has been one of the most disturbing acts of Francis' pontificate" (Roberto de Mattei). 

The appointment of the new prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was made public on Saturday 1 July. There are enough articles on this website about the unpleasant surprise in view of the character's background, followed by the horror at the letter addressed to him by Francis and the comments in the days that followed, prompted by Tucho's declarations about his new post. It hurts to see how, after decades of serious historical research to unmask the lies told about the Church throughout history, people at the highest level in the Vatican blithely launch fallacies and hoaxes of all kinds, resurrecting the "monster" of the Inquisition and, with it, the whole black legend of the Church's past without any historical rigour.

Without wanting to be discouraged, because we know that Christ has conquered the world, it is very painful to contemplate the already undisguised process of emptying the faith of the Church not by external enemies, but from within, trying to preserve a great power structure that is of great interest, but which moves to the rhythm of the NOM. St. John already warned about the false shepherds who "went out from among us, but were not of us" (1Jn 2:19).

The ability of the mass media to manipulate reality is well known. The worst photographs of Benedict XVI were always published, those in which a malevolent expression could be seen on his face. He got off on the wrong foot, of course, having been "the Grand Inquisitor" for twenty years. Only in certain circles, in voices drowned out by manipulative noise, was there recognition of the thankless work Ratzinger had done as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at the height of the "spirit of the Council". The good guys were always the liberation theologians, the heretics, the heterodox, the feminist nuns; Ratzinger was always the dark inquisitor working among dusty archives always seeking to punish these good guys.

We should not be surprised that the world attacks the Church, even if it pains us to see how it is possible to convey the exact opposite image to what it really is. In this case, that Ratzinger was a true miracle and gift to the Church of our day. The problem - although we are also warned - is when the supposedly Catholic media convey the same message as those who hate the Church. When a Catholic weekly calls Tucho's appointment a "breath of fresh air" and, worse still, when most Catholics not only do not know who he is, but seem indifferent. 

Does this appointment not affect us personally? That is to say, do we think that it will have no influence on our life of faith, on faith itself? What was once the most important dicastery of the Catholic Church, charged with "promoting good doctrine, watching over it, correcting errors and guiding those who err to the right path", as the Code of Canon Law states, has just been placed in the hands of an ecclesiastic whose most important literary work, mysteriously missing from his official curriculum vitae as new prefect, is a book on the art of kissing. But this is nothing more than anecdotal when we are dealing with a cleric who has openly opposed the magisterium of the Church prior to Francis on numerous occasions (Google has made the work of the newspaper archive much easier); the intellectual author, it seems, of the most controversial parts of Amoris Laetitia, and who has made his debut in office by making serious and unfounded accusations about the Congregation that has been entrusted to him. And seriously, as Catholics, are we indifferent to this? Can we think that it does not affect us, when for more than half a century we have been living through a progressive exercise of changes in the 2000 year old faith of the Church, visible above all in the liturgical rupture, which are moving us further and further away from the core of the faith handed down by the Apostles? It is the duty of our pastors to pass on to the faithful the teaching of the true faith and the morals of the Church. But it is also the duty of every baptised person to be vigilant, to be awake, to nourish his faith in the Truth of Jesus Christ, to build it on the Rock. And to pray continually, without faltering.


