Clash in Spain between supporters of LGTBI+ and devotees of the Sacred Heart


Magnificent ceremony in honour of Our Lord's Sacred Heart. The disruption can be heard clearly at 9.50 and other places.

The  'Zorrila's Fest' collective disrupts a celebration of the Sacred Heart in Valladolid

Police asked for the papers of an elderly man who was participating in the Sacred Heart event.

The Zorrilla's Fest group boycotted a popular celebration in Valladolid on Saturday to mark the Jubilee Year of the Sacred Heart of Jesus granted by the Pope to the Archdiocese of Valladolid.

The Archbishop, Luis Argüello, had called the faithful to a Blessing with the Blessed Sacrament, which was to take place from the tower of the Cathedral, which is crowned by an image of the Sacred Heart. At the same time, the aforementioned LGTBI+ collective intended to hold a batucada in the vicinity of the church.

Minutes before the start of the ceremony, groups of people, mainly elderly, expressed their discomfort at the noise coming from the vicinity and some of them asked to be moved to nearby streets, given the manifest impossibility of 'moving' the cathedral.

The incidents, which even resulted in the police running, began when a young member of Zorrilla's Fest told the officers that she had been pushed by an old man. He was surrounded by several uniformed officers, who asked him for his documents and informed him that the batucada was authorised by the Subdelegation of the Government, shouting "is it clear to you", while the man was visibly trembling.

Subsequently, a member of a brotherhood from Valladolid was identified, despite the fact that he denounced having been called a "fascist". Faced with the attitude of the police, the members of the batucada grew up and redoubled their efforts to the point of preventing the preaching of Monsignor Argüello, who spoke of the workers and the most vulnerable groups, from being heard.

The Archbishop, in response to questions from Infovaticana, wanted to play down the seriousness of the events, which he put down to a "misunderstanding or confusion when authorising two events", but he did recall that Catholics have the right to express themselves freely "in the concrete world in which we live", while appealing for "mutual respect" before an "event for the city", in reference to the centenary of the sacred image which crowns the church.


Cathcon:  This is the Month of the Sacred Heart.  Time of choosing.
