Modernist sectarian accuses Bishop Huonder and the Society of Saint Pius X of being.....sectarian

Different assessments

Quote 1: The Bishop Emeritus of Chur, Vitus Huonder, tells us in a video published by "Certamen projekt - The Good Fight" (24.04.) that in his opinion the Church is currently "in one of the greatest crises in its history ... an inner-church crisis that has affected all areas of church life, proclamation, liturgy, diaconia as well as leadership ... a deep crisis of faith". A diagnosis with which many others agree! But the Conclusiones that Huonder then draws are frightening and frighteningly banal, he announces that he has revised his previous attitude to Vatican II (he calls it "retractatio"). In the mind of the founder of the community with which he has been living since his retirement, the Council was a fall from grace, therefore the following applies: The salvation of the Church is for him not only the return to the old liturgy, but the restoration of the "pure unadulterated faith", the "true doctrine".

Quote 2: In February I spent a week in retreat in Bad Schönbrunn. After the silence was broken (finally for me!), I was able to have a conversation with one of the prominent participants, Abbot Benedikt Lindemann, formerly of Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem, now in the Camuldensian community near Hildesheim. Our conclusion after a week of silence and reflection was that our Church "has not yet fallen low enough".

In my language: Its inability, its unwillingness to come to terms with and recognise all the attributes of power, patriarchy and dominance that have been accumulated and imposed since the "Constantinian turn", all the abuses of every kind (spiritual, mental, physical) that have come about in their wake, can still be felt today right down to the furthest twitch of every diocese and parish. As long as there is no will to return "ad fontes", i.e. to the Gospel, this Church has lost all credit.

Huonder (Lefebvre!) wants to save the Church by leading a small band of orthodox (men - women had no rights in this Church) from the evil modern world back to the monarchical-patriarchal one of the time before the French Revolution and before the Declaration of the Rights of Man. True clerical shepherds may feed their sheep there and save them from evil developments like gender, woke and what the devil else. The ancient Latin liturgy of their leaders turning their backs on them is a balm to their souls and wards off evil spirits. The Catholic sect, that is.

Jesus of Nazareth was concerned with the Kingdom of God and its justice. He vehemently rejects all ritual and moral rigorism, even threatens it ("Woe unto you"). He vehemently opposes the claiming of power and authority by any officials ("It shall not be so with you"). And he vehemently calls his disciples to non-violence in speech and action. The saints of the early church were the martyrs who opposed the totalitarian state and its claims. These are the "fontes", that is, if anything, the "unadulterated faith", and certainly not the Catechism, nor the fussy collection of all dogmas and moral doctrines in leather volumes.

Can our Church still be saved? In any case, we will shrink massively in terms of quantity, but where to, to a sect or to messengers of the Kingdom of God, as the founder already demanded?


Cathcon: Shocking that a Catholic priest should think so little of the great dogmas of the Faith and the Catechism and morals.....the very definition of a sectarian is that they invent their own religion outside these frameworks.  The priest has form as long as your arm on being controversial for its own sake.

See for background, Stern, unbending face of modernism 
