Even Cardinal Hollerich is fed up with the German Synodal Path

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, General Relator of the Catholic World Synod, criticises the ecclesial division of powers demanded by the German Synodal Path. Hollerich told the newspaper "Corriere della Sera" that from the beginning the Synodal Way had gone in a different direction from the worldwide Synodal process.

In Germany, he said, there was talk about the division of power in the Church. In the Church, however, it is not about power, but about ministries and serving.

"Too little thought given to the global process"

"When ministry turns into power, we have a problem," Hollerich said. The question, he said, is not how to share power, but how to manage to return to ministry and service.

Hollerich accused the Synodal Way of not thinking enough about the synodal process of the universal Church. "We need to set out together as a Catholic Church and not say, we'll do our thing and then see what you do!" However, the Synodal Way was already underway before Pope Francis proclaimed the worldwide process.

"Synod is not about homosexuality and women's ordination".

Looking ahead to the World Synod of Bishops in Rome in October, Hollerich announced that it would not be about homosexuality and women's ordination, but about communion, participation and mission. "That is the theme of the Synod, and that is enough," Hollerich explained. As the General Relator of the World Synod, the Luxembourg Cardinal is the Synod's content co-ordinator.

