Opponents of Synodality are psychologically disturbed according to head of Germany's Bishops

Bishop Bätzing blames "psychological reasons" for rejecting the synodal path.

The Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, Bishop Bätzing, gave some strange quotes at the final press conference of the 5th Synodal Assembly in Frankfurt. I would like to list them below:

Quote 1: "We will not see any significant change in the number of people leaving. But we have given a good signal to people who are deeply connected to the church."

Cathcon: I thought the point of this whole show was evangelisation and mission.  Not a show but a charade.

Quote 2: "The Synodal Path as a process is completed today. There have been attempts to delegitimise it from the start. They have not borne fruit."

Cathcon: They deligitimised themselves in terms of the tiny proportion of Catholics involved in Germany and 0.00025 percent of Catholic women in Austria involved in Synodal Process. 

see also Leader of German lay Catholics admits Synodal Path is rigged.

Quote 3: "We have people everywhere who have a hard time with the resolutions. My point is always: What are we taking from you? These are more psychological reasons than real theological reasons or questions of piety."

Cathcon:  The ad-hominem argument to end all arguments in a desperate attempt to avoid getting involved in the real issues.


See also More than just a Golden Bathtub and Bishop Duck of Mainz prepares for Lent
