Once Catholic Ireland has become a ‘nation of pagans’

The Bishops of Ireland believe their flock have become a ‘nation of pagans’ according to a new report issued by the Association of Catholic Priests.

The body polled its membership to discover the true feelings of Ireland’s bishops and priests on the laity.

The Irish Examiner reports on the findings of the poll which suggest that the majority of bishops believe Irish people have succumbed to the ‘evils of materialism and consumerism’ of the Celtic Tiger era.

The ACP report also states that there is a strong view among ecclesiastical authorities that falling vocations and Mass attendance figures are a result of people ‘not having time or interest in faith’ rather than as a result of the clerical sex abuse scandals.

The ACP report claims that a substantial number of bishops and some priests believe that the problems facing the Church are not due to any difficulties in the Church or with the priesthood, but are caused by a lack of faith in the people

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