New Catholic-Lutheran ecumenical document expected

Evangelical Council President Schneider on Monday invited the Pope to the celebrations in Germany to celebrate the Reformation in 2017.

The document of the Catholic-Lutheran Commission on the common Reformation Commemoration 2017 will be published shortly. The text entitled "From Conflict to Community" was finished, the Vatican's ecumenical minister Cardinal Kurt Koch told Vatican Radio on Tuesday in an interview. Once the German translation existed, it would be published. Koch did not give details of the document. The Commission is composed of representatives of the Vatican and the Lutheran World Federation.

Originally from Switzerland, Cardinal Koch had on Monday discussed in the Vatican with the President of the Council of the Protestant Church in Germany, Nikolaus Schneider, on a possible common Reformation commemoration. Schneider had personally invited Pope Francis to join in the commemorations of the Reformation in Germany. The programmes in Wittenberg and Berlin would not be a "German jubilee", but a solid Christian festival, to which every Christian can commit, according to Schneider.

Cathcon- no celebrations of the Reformation started by the belligerent anti-semite Luther, whose rejection of scholasticism whose finest representative was St Thomas Aquinas, led to a massive destruction of the Faith.   There is nothing to celebrate but a time to mourn the destruction of beauty, truth and love.


Geremia said…
Did Pope Francis accept the invitations‽
Aged parent said…
If only our dear Belloc were still alive. How he would flay idiots like Koch and all the other Catholics behind this supreme insult.

Aged Parent
The Eye-Witness