Bishop develops Catholic teaching on homosexuality

Weihbischof Jaschke warnt vor Aufweichung der Ehe - Homosexuellen gerecht werden | Nachrichten -

Bishop Jaschke warns against watering down of the marriage
Homosexuals done justice
Hamburg Bishop Hans-Jochen Jaschke speaka out for equality of homosexual couples in society. There should be no discrimination against homosexuals. "On the other hand, one cannot make everything equal," said Jaschke in a interview. Marriage is something quite special. How do you feel about the push of the Parliamentarians towards tax equality for gay marriage?

Auxiliary Bishop Jaschke: I'm not a tax expert and I absolutely cannot talk about such matters. I can see that it is right that we debate the issue. Homosexual couples have the right to appropriate treatment and equality in our society, but the course must be carefully considered and well balanced. I am no friend of gay marriage, no, no way. Marriage must remain something quite special. Marriage is the union between man and woman, and sexuality in its original form also needs to be the social interaction of male and female genders and the kids need to belong to this context. But we must do justice to homosexual couples . I support this being well thought out and discussed, will look like, but I am not at home in the subject so that I can not judge. The Minister for Family Affairs welcomes the proposal and speaks of "conservative values", as well as that homosexual men and women in long term partnerships can take over responsibility for each other.

You, Bishop, in the "Hamburg Pride Magazine" have recently similarly expressed admiration for love and fidelity in same-sex relationships Do you see this as still consistent with Catholic morality and ethics?

Bishop Jaschke: Yes, our church has said in the Catechism of the Universal Church very clearly that there shall be no discrimination against homosexuals, but on the other hand, one can not make everything the same. Marriage is something quite unique, a way of life between men and women. Society would be ill-advised if they would equalize that. On the other hand, if gay couples come together in love, in faith, in readiness for one another, then that must also be appropriately legally recognized and we have to discuss how that would look. In detail, I cannot and I absolutely do not wish to judge. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that one should respect gay people. In Canon 2358 article it says: Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. . Simultaneously, however, they are called in the next article to this, to live a chaste life (Art. 2359). Can one still support that at all in the contemporary age?

Bishop Jaschke : Well, that's obviously a question for everyone. Every person is from a Christian perspective called to live responsibly and when it comes to sexuality, then we have to deal with our sexual equipment properly, whether we are heterosexual or homosexual. This includes abstinence. But I cannot say to every homosexual: You have to attain in any case this goal of abstinence. He must see how he can live, how he can conform to Christian responsibility. I think it is definitely better if a man lives in a solid, stable relationship in responsibility for others, as when he let his sex drive run like a vagabond, but they are complex and very personal questions that every individual will also have to decide. You reject the right of adoption for registered partnerships since a same-sex relationship remains barren. That is the nature of things, but people have not chosen themselves their orientation.  Does this reduce the nature and purpose of marriage to the procreation of offspring?

Bishop Jaschke: No, but it is one of them. So we can not equalize marriage and gay partnerships. To sexuality belongs also fertility and 95 percent of mankind since time immemorial experience it like this and that also does us a good thing. Exceptions will surely be given that also homosexual partners can be recommended for adoption or it can be made possible, but usually it is not acceptable under any circumstances. Interview by Tobias Fricke


Aged parent said…
Here is one confused man. God help the Church. With pastors like this wolves would seem to be superfluous.

My dear Bishop, may I remind you of something? Homosexuals are committing serious, horrifying mortal sins that are going to send them to hell unless before they die they get to Confession and do penance. Would you kindly help these unfortunate people by telling them this?

That is doing justice for these unfortunate people, not telling them how wonderful they are.