New charges to be brought against Bishop Williamson
Holocaust-Leugnung - Neuer Strafbefehl gegen Bischof Williamson beantragt - Bayern -
Holocaust denier Richard Williamson was convicted of racial hatred - but for technical legal reasons, the judgment was dismissed. Now, the prosecution again is seeking the indictment of the traditionalist bishop.
Against the Holocaust denier Richard Williamson , a new penalty for racial hatred has been applied for. The request of the prosecutor in Regensburg was already made on 11 July at the local district court according to a spokesman for the prosecutor on Thursday.
Against Bishop Richard Williamson, a new penalty has been sought for race hatred. )
The traditionalist British Bishop Williamson in November 2008 on a Swedish television interview challenged the existence of gas chambers during the Nazi era. Because of the incident, Williamson was in April 2011 convincted in the District Court of the Second Instance of Regensburg of incitement with a fine of 6500 €. The judge's decision was, however, in an appeal hearing by the Higher Regional Court (OLG) in Nuremberg dismissed for formal legal reasons.
The Judges of the Court of Appeal had then complained that the charges against the bishop of the ultra-conservative SSPX were not sufficiently described in the prosecution dossier. However, the Court of Appeal had no doubt about the criminality of Williamson's statements. The provisions of the Higher Regional Court have been taken into account when drafting the now re-submitted application for a sentence, said the spokesman for the prosecutors in Regensburg, Wolfhard Meindl.
The district court of Regensburg confirmed on Thursday the receipt of the application for a sentence. A decision is expected in the coming weeks, said a spokesman for the court.
Williamson had said in the television interview, among other things: "I believe there were no gas chambers." He continued: "I do not think that six million Jews in Germany were gassed. " The interview with the Swedish station was recorderd on the sidelines of a priestly ordination of the SSPX in Zaitzkofen. It was shown on Swedish television and subsequently published on the Internet.
In the first case against Williamson, the question was largely of whether the bishop was expected to know that his offensive statements would be disseminated in the Federal Republic of statements via the Internet and thus would be seen in Germany.
We must appeal to Bishop Gerhard Muller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican (CDF) to please accept Vatican Council II and so end the tension with the Society of St.Pius X ( SSPX).
There must be an interpretation of Vatican Council II with reference texts, in accord with Tradition and without irrational theories. There cannot be a Vatican Council II which claims the dead are visible and saved in invincible ignorance or a good conscience .Neither can there be a Council which throws away a centuries old teaching which Pope Pius XII called ‘the dogma’, the ‘infallible’ teaching (Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston 1949).
This is the Vatican Council II unfortunately of Bishop Gerhard Muller and Archbishop Di Noia who are rejecting the Vatican Council II of the SSPX , which according to the SSPX communique (July 19) is traditional, in accord with the ‘uninterrupted magisterium’, without novelties and reaffirming the dogma outside the church no salvation.
The ‘uninterrupted magisterium’ is different from the present day magisterium of Bishop Muller and the Vatican Curia which teaches errors like 1) Jews do not have to convert (this is contrary to the Bible especially the Gospel of John) and that 2) we can see people dead in Heaven who are now on earth and are exceptions to the dogma on salvation. This is irrational. This has not been the teaching of the ‘constant magisterium’.Neither is it the teaching of Vatican Council II interpreted traditionally -interpreted according to the SSPX .
The SSPX has accepted Vatican Council II in accord with Tradition and has rejected the liberal version
The SSPX has accepted Vatican Council II in accord with the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam (1) in harmony with Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II. They have endorsed Vatican Council II according to Sacred Tradition. They can also cite reference texts for their doctrinal position from Vatican Council II.
They have rejected, as in the past, the liberal version of Vatican Council (2) whose adherents cannot cite any texts to support their interpretation which is a break, a rupture with tradition and other magisterial documents.
The SSPX is finally in a position to point out to their adversaries that there can be only interpretation of the Council which can be supported by tradition.In this one interpretation AG 7 supports the dogma on exclusive salvation and LG 16 and LG 8 etc are not known exceptions to the dogma.
The SSPX has stated clearly that they affirm ‘ faith in the Roman Catholic Church, the only Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, outside of which there is no salvation and no possibility of finding the means that lead to it’.
There is no salvation outside the Church (Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441, Vatican Council II (AG 7) etc) and that outside the Church there is even ‘no possibility of finding the means that lead to it’ i.e those saved in invincible ignorance , a good conscience are accepted as possibilities known only to God and not possibilities which contradict the dogma on salvation.