Archbishop Müller gives new interview- SSPX, American nuns and liberation theology

Bishop Müller: "You cannot pronounce the three religious vows and then not take them seriously"
Bishop Müller, recently appointed by Benedict XVI as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, gave an interview to L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper. The prelate explained that his dicasterial function is "to proclaim the Gospel and to present in a concrete way the doctrine of the Church." The new Prefect of the CDF also addresses the issue of discussions with the Lefebvrists and the American nuns.

Bishop Muller said the Vatican newspaper that "we have the problem of groups of right or left, as they say-that occupy much of our time and attention. Here the danger comes easily of losing some sight of our main task, which is to proclaim the Gospel and to present in a concrete way the doctrine of the Church. We are convinced that there is no alternative to the revelation of God in Jesus Christ . Revelation answers the big questions of mankind through all ages ... ".

Responding to a question about the transformation of the Inquisition into the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, by the decision of Paul VI, the new Prefect noted that: "The Church is above all a community of faith, then faith is the most important which we must transmit, proclaim and guard. Jesus entrusted to Peter and his successors the universal magisterium, and it is this that the Pontifical Council should serve ... I think the most important aspect of the transformation of the Pontifical Council "has been" the main thrust of their work. Pope Paul VI wanted the positive aspect to be at the forefront : the Congregation must, above all, promote and understand the faith, and this is the decisive factor. He further added that faith must be defended from errors and debasement . Just at the present time, we need hope and signals to start over again. If we look at the world, especially our European countries, which naturally are the ones who know best, we see many politicians and economists who do extraordinary things, but they are the first people to be contacted when it comes to providing hope and confidence. "

Liberation Theology
Bishop Müller also talked about his experience in Latin America, where he knows well the lives of many poor people and the experience of the Church committed on their behalf: "I have often gone to Latin America to Peru, but also other countries. In 1988 I was sent to participate in a seminar with Gustavo Gutierrez. I went with some reservations, as a German theologian , as I knew the two statements of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the theology of liberation in 1984 and published in 1986. However, I noticed there is a difference between a misguided liberation theology and another which is correct . I think any good theology has to do with freedom and glory of the sons of God. Although, clearly, a mix of the doctrine of self-redemptive Marxism with the salvation of God must be rejected. "

"On the other hand, says Bishop Müller-we must ask ourselves honestly: how can we speak of love and mercy of God to the suffering of many people who have no food, water, health care, who do not know how to provide a future their children, which lack true human dignity, where human rights are ignored by the powerful? "

U.S. nuns and SSPX
Finally, the new Prefect of the CDF responded to a question about the discussions with the Lefebvrists and American nuns. "For the future of the Church said it is important to overcome the ideological clashes from where they come. There is a unique Revelation of God in Jesus Christ, entrusted to the whole Church. Therefore, there can be no negotiations regarding the Word of God and one cannot believe and yet not believe . You can not pronounce the three religious vows and then not take them seriously. I cannot cite the tradition of the Church and then accept only some of its parts. The path of the Church urges and everyone is invited not to retreat into a self-referential thinking but to accept the full life and full faith of the Church. "

"For the Catholic Church said the Prefect, is quite evident that men and women have the same value as is told in the story of Creation and confirmed in the order of salvation . The human being needs to be emancipated, or created or invented himself and is liberated and emancipated by the Grace of God. Many statements on the admission of women to the sacrament of Order ignore an important aspect of priestly ministry. Being a priest does not mean to create a role .You cannot consider the priesthood as a kind of earthly position of power and believe that after emancipation takes place everyone can occupy.The Catholic faith knows that it is not we do not make the conditions for admission to the priestly ministry and that behind being a priest are always the will and the call of Christ. Invite him to renounce the polemics and the ideology and to immerse themselves in the doctrine of the Church. In the United States, the religious and the religious have done extraordinary things for the Church, for the education and training of young people. Christ needs young people who pursue this path and identify with their own fundamental choice. The Second Vatican Council says wonderful things for the renewal of religious life, as well as on the common vocation to holiness. It is important to strengthen mutual trust, rather than to work against each other . 
