The Purification of the Virgin Mary

Senex puerum portabat
Puer autem senem regebat.

The old man carried the boy
But the boy reigned over the old man.

From the reading for Matins
Homilia sancti Ambrosii Episcopi.
Lib. 2. Comment. in Lucae cap. 2. post
Et ecce homo erat in Jerusalem, cui nomen Simeon, et homo iste justus et timoratus, exspectans consolationem Israel. Non solum ab Angelis, et prophetis, et a pastoribus, sed etiam a senioribus et justis generatio Domini accepit testimonium. Omnis aetas et uterque sexus, eventorumque miracula fidem astruunt. Virgo generat, sterilis parit, mutus loquitur, Elisabeth prophetat, Magus adorat, utero clausus exsultat, vidua confitetur, justus exspectat.

In old time it was written: And of Zion shall it not be said This and that man was born in her, and the Highest Himself shall establish her? Blessed be the omnipotence of Him That was born! Blessed the glory of Him That came from heaven to earth! While yet He was borne in His Mother's womb, He was saluted by John the Baptist; He was presented in the temple, and recognised by that famous, antient, and glorious worthy, the old man Simeon. As soon as he knew Him he worshipped him, and said Lord, now lettest Thou thy servant depart in peace for mine eyes have seen thy salvation.
