The Great Seminary of Bruges has just one recruit this year.

Big thank you to Cardinal Danneels and his old friend from seminary days, the former Bishop of Bruges.

30 years of Danneels games left the whole of Belgium a devastated vineyard.


Eh? said…
As much as we would like our bishops to be bishops and not revisionists I've had a couple of moments in my life when I realized that I was looking for what I saw as justice rather than God's will.

For all the harm that Cardinal Daneels has done we still shouldn't be having polls on how to punish him but rather praying for him and perhaps having a quiz on which parts of the Catechism &/ Canon Law he should be directed to.

Matt 5:44 But I say to you, Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you: