Victims lawyer hangs Cardinal out to dry

"In the case of our client the abuse had stopped years ago. It therefore seems unlikely that Danneels in this case will be prosecuted for gross negligence, although he has not intervened during that conversation when he was informed of the sexual abuse. But to speak of the charector of negligent breach, there must be action by the omission causing additional damage . This does not apply to this case, but possibly in other cases of sexual abuse by clergy, in which the Church has not intervened, although of which she was aware. "

Her client went to the Adrianessens Committee a few days after his interview with the Cardinal and one suspects the police a few days after that. The Cardinal can hardly be surprised at their reaction in the circumstances.


Theophilus said…
Dear Gillibrand,

Have you heard how the Holy Father struck a blow against all of us catholics as he awarded decorations to the president and the prime minister of the Portuguese republic just months after that country promulgated gay marriage and abortion laws?
I have read catholic people say this kind of behavior belongs to the “misteries of faith”. What a stupid way to rationalize things! Let’s be like ostriches and bury the head in the ground… While others imply the decorations do not condone the behavior of those two authorities. That is simply not true, because if I give someone a medal then I am honoring him (her) and the Holy Father should avoid scandal at any cost especially in such already confused times as ours. Has he lost entirely his sensus catholicus?
What to think of it? Politics as usual? What is so important to gain politically with that behavior that compensates the worldwide scandal to us catholics?
What sad times we live in.
In Christ,