Head of German bishops admits failures in abuse scandal

Robert Zollitsch has denied the cover-up allegations made against him in connection with an abuse scandal in his diocese.

The Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference admits that the Church has provided too little help to victims of abuse in the past decades. At the same time, Robert Zollitsch announced a new beginning.

The Church had not helped the victims of abuse enough in the past decades, said the Archbishop of Freiburg in a statement issued by his diocese on Good Friday. This was one of the main findings after the revelations of numerous cases of abuse. Robert Zollitsch justified the Church's earlier behaviour, among other things, with the social environment at the time.

The Church admits to this mistake and faces up to it. In the future, the main focus of the Church will be on the victims. They will be listened to more, among other things through a nationwide telephone hotline for victims of abuse.

"Today we realise that in a different social situation, due to the disappointment over the painful failure of the perpetrators and out of misunderstood concern for the reputation of the Church, the helping eye for the victims was not sufficiently given," the statement distributed in writing reads. "This too is a sorrowful reality which we have to face."

Zollitsch went on to explain: "Wounds were torn that can hardly be healed. All the more our main focus, our sympathy and all our possible support go to the victims."

News of the sexual abuse of children and young people by Church employees filled the Church with grief, horror and shame. "We are shocked by the suffering inflicted on the victims, many of whom were unable to put their hurt into words for decades." Zollitsch did not comment on accusations of cover-ups against the Church.

Easter, especially Good Friday, symbolises a new beginning for the Church, he said. This is also true in the current debates. Good Friday "can become a new beginning for the Church, which we all need so urgently".


Asshole said…
This isn't just a little mistake. This isn't like a clerk double charging a credit card by mistake, or someone hanging the wrong size trusses on a barn roof. This is covering up child rape, for crying out loud!

He needs to be fired!