Decline and fall of Christian Democracy in Germany
Jeder Fünfte würde neue konservative Partei wählen
One in five would vote for a new conservative party
According to a recent survey by the polling institute Emnid for "Focus" every fifth German can imagine voting for a "bourgeois-conservative party to the right of the CDU". 74 percent of the respondents would not choose such a newly established party, six per cent abstained.
20 percent for such a conservative rival party - this is an alarming number, especially for the Union, as Emnid CEO Klaus-Peter Schöppner writes in an analysis for Bild am Sonntag . The pollsters feel a "desire for a new party." Because: "CDU / CSU have only ten months after the election almost 40 percent, the FDP 75 percent of their voters lost. Not even half of these have "gone over" to the enemies camp.
Particularly worrying according to Schöppner: "Paradoxically, the most loyal voters of the Union are presently flocking in droves to the non-voting: Christian orientated values based conservatives wish to associate the economy with values but face more and more, 'the social democratising of their party". Already the idea to vote Green or SPD is a horror for them. Instead, they are politically homeless. "
According to findings Schöppner they choose either the Union or not at all ". Or soon a new party? The forecast of the pollster, "If they could embody in politicians such as Roland Koch again, business expertise, Friedrich Merz openess to argument, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg modernity and Joachim Gauck values , it could immediately win 20 percent of voters . "The Union, however, was in danger of being marginalized by a new party .
A new party would be governed according to Schöppner's analysis by the focus on a "fair contract" (play on words in the original German) "between citizens and politics" instead of the current "financial manipulation and rip-off". In times of permanent recession and unjust distribution of life opportunities, there platform would have to be called "market and morality are". Schöppner already has a new name: "Unity and justice and freedom".
Decline and fall of Christian Democracy in Germany

One in five would vote for a new conservative party
According to a recent survey by the polling institute Emnid for "Focus" every fifth German can imagine voting for a "bourgeois-conservative party to the right of the CDU". 74 percent of the respondents would not choose such a newly established party, six per cent abstained.
20 percent for such a conservative rival party - this is an alarming number, especially for the Union, as Emnid CEO Klaus-Peter Schöppner writes in an analysis for Bild am Sonntag . The pollsters feel a "desire for a new party." Because: "CDU / CSU have only ten months after the election almost 40 percent, the FDP 75 percent of their voters lost. Not even half of these have "gone over" to the enemies camp.
Particularly worrying according to Schöppner: "Paradoxically, the most loyal voters of the Union are presently flocking in droves to the non-voting: Christian orientated values based conservatives wish to associate the economy with values but face more and more, 'the social democratising of their party". Already the idea to vote Green or SPD is a horror for them. Instead, they are politically homeless. "
According to findings Schöppner they choose either the Union or not at all ". Or soon a new party? The forecast of the pollster, "If they could embody in politicians such as Roland Koch again, business expertise, Friedrich Merz openess to argument, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg modernity and Joachim Gauck values , it could immediately win 20 percent of voters . "The Union, however, was in danger of being marginalized by a new party .
A new party would be governed according to Schöppner's analysis by the focus on a "fair contract" (play on words in the original German) "between citizens and politics" instead of the current "financial manipulation and rip-off". In times of permanent recession and unjust distribution of life opportunities, there platform would have to be called "market and morality are". Schöppner already has a new name: "Unity and justice and freedom".
Decline and fall of Christian Democracy in Germany
Down with the Federal Republic of Germany! Long live the Kingdoms of Prussia, Saxony, Wurttemberg, and Bavaria! Long live the Grand Duchies of Hesse, Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, and Baden! Long live all legitimate princes and counts! Down with equality, republicanism, and democracy, down with mealy-mouthed respectable "conservatism" that refuses to turn the clock back. If I were German I would have nothing to do with any of the existing parties--especially the Christian Democrats. At least the Leftists have the honesty to admit they are leftists.