Cardinal Re's power constrained

kathweb Nachrichten .:. Katholische Presseagentur Österreich

Vatican City, 17.10.2009 (KAP) Curial Cardinal Antonio Canizares Llovera and the Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, Archbishop Raymond Leo Burke appointed new members of the Congregation for Bishops by the Pope, the Vatican announced on Saturday. Both are thus under the direction of Cardinal Prefect Giovanni Battista Re responsible for the care of over 4,800 bishops, especially as far as personnel decisions are concerned.

Canizares was appointed in December last year from leading the Archdiocese of Toledo, Spain to be head of the Roman Congregation for Divine Worship. The U.S. jurist Burke, formerly Archbishop of Saint Louis, has been from June 2008 Prefect of the Vatican's highest appeals court, the Apostolic Signatura.


Tracy Hummel said…
Will they be replaced in their current positions or is this new assignment in addition to their current duties?