Excommunicated female Bishop leads funeral service at monastery and then maybe concelebrates
News from the scandal diocese: Recently an excommunicated imposter Bishop stood in the sanctuary during Mass at a Benedictine monastery. For believers present, the situation gave the impression of a concelebration.
The Austrian monthly newspaper 'The 13th' recently reported on an "ecclesiastical scandal in the monastery of Kremsmünster".
On 28 May, in the Benedictine convent in the Diocese of Linz a young woman was buried who had left the Catholic Church.
On the occasion, the excommunicated Linz resident Christine Mayr-Lumetzberger also put in an appearance.
The excommunicated person- dressed as a bishop – conducted the funeral service in the Kremsmünster cemetery.
The'13th '. wrote that Mrs Lumetzberger "held the funeral and a Benedictine Father from the Monastery of Kremsmünster assisted her.
After the funeral Ms Lumetzberger held a requiem in the Church- wrote of the'13th ': Priests and fathers from the world-famous monastery "concelebrated" with the imposter Bishop who has been excommunicated by the Pope - according to the newspaper.
The Monastery of Kremsmünster published in response to the report a clarification from Father Bernhard Eckerstorfer.
The statement appeared on Wednesday on the St. Pölten news service 'stjosef.at'.
The "excommunicated" “Priestess " came as a friend to the funeral.
Ms Lumetzberger had "at the express request of the members of the relatives had come to the public cemetery in Kremsmünster."
The Monastery of Kremsmünster allegedly must respect this desire of the family - says the statement.
The Requiem in the Monastery Church - also at the request of the family – was celebrated by the parish priest of Kremsmünster.
But Ms. Lumetzberger was - dressed as a bishop - " present at this ceremony, as at funerals also often there are non-Catholic public officials present" - writes the Father.
It is inadmissible to speak of a "concelebration" –the monastery played down the presence of the imposter female Bishop in the sanctuary.
Abbot Ambrose of Kremsmünster independent of the funeral on 30 July had stated that Ms Lumetzberger could not receive Communion in Kremsmünster and in the associated parishes of the Monastery.
The Abbot ought to be ashamed of himself, knows much more than he is telling us and is perhaps even sympathetic.
A former member of his monastery, one Rafael Ferdinand Regelsberger “consecrated” the imposter bishop.

He himself was “consecrated” in the chapel in her loft- always helps to have a spare loft when you have a DIY religion. I think I am right in saying he took a wife on leaving the monastery (an old, old story).