More fallibility and error in the Diocese of Linz

Following yesterday's report from Cathcon, the Upper Austrian Ecumenical Summer Academy, or the Witches' Sabbath as calls the show, entered its second day.

First speaker, Dr Franz Wuketits claims that God plays no role in evolution.

The second, Dr Pietschman then goes on that it is fully impossible that natural science can prove there is no God and likewise fully impossible that theology can show that there is.

St Thomas Aquinas would quarrel with both statements.

There is then a picture of the great observatory of the Monastery of Kremsmunster and the Abbot appears saying that today there is not such a great conflict- which contradicts the initial commentary of the programme.

The faces are in the monastery grounds and are works of modern art. The religious significance is next to nothing.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for all the great posts, recently, Gillibrand. Much to delve into here as always.

I like your new header. Very classy.