Years of the Priesthood

Words of the Holy Curé of Ars

If we really understood what it meant to be a child of God, we would not be capable of doing evil (…) to be a child of God, oh, the beautiful dignity!

God’s mercy is like an overflowing stream. It sweeps away hearts as it passes.

It is not the sinner who returns to God to ask for forgiveness, it is God who runs after the sinner and makes him return to him.

Let us therefore give this joy to this good Father: let us return to him… and we will be happy.

The good Lord is always ready to receive us. His patience waits for us!

There are those who turn a cold heart to the Eternal Father. Oh, how mistaken they are! The Eternal Father, to disarm his justice, gave his Son an excessively good heart: you cannot give what you do not have…

There are those who say: "I have committed too many sins, the Good Lord cannot forgive me”. This is a gross blasphemy. It is the same as putting a limit on God’s mercy, which has none: it is infinite.

Our errors are grains of sand beside the great mountain of God’s mercy.

When the priest gives the absolution, we should think of only one thing: that the blood of the good Lord is poured out on our soul to wash it, purify it and make it as beautiful as it was after baptism.

The good Lord, in the moment of the absolution, tosses our sins behind his back, that is, he forgets them, erases them: they will never again reappear.

We will no longer speak about the sins which have been forgiven. They have been erased, they no longer exist!

The Eucharist and communion

All the good works put together do not equal the sacrifice of the Mass, because they are the work of men, while the Mass is a work of God.

There is nothing as great as the Eucharist.

Oh my children! What does Our Lord do in the Sacrament of his love? He took his good heart to love us, and extracts from this heart a perspiration of tenderness and mercy to drown the sins of the world.

There he is: the one who loves us so much! Why not love him!

The nourishment of soul and body is the blood of a God. If one thinks about it, one could lose oneself for all eternity in this abyss of love!

Come to communion, come to Jesus, come to live of Him, in order to live for Him.

The good Lord, wanting to give himself to us, in the sacrament of his love, has given us a great and profound longing that only he can satisfy.

Holy Communion produces in the soul something like a rush of air on a fire that begins to extinguish, but where there are still many embers!

When we began, if someone were to ask us: "What do you bring home with you?", we could respond: "I bring heaven".

Do not say that you are not worthy of it. It is true: you are not worthy it, but you need it.
