Pro-life demonstration in Linz 1971
The main square- now they are down to forty people who demonstrate every month outside the Linz General Hospital where abortions take place. On the same site, compulsory abortions were carried out in Nazi times.
A short interview with Engelbert Kefer, then Linz Secretary of the Catholic Men's Movement appeared recently.
What interests you about the history of the Catholic Men’s Movement
I find it today interesting with what feeling after the catastrophe of WW2, priests and laity have understood the serious spiritual difficulties and tried to deal with them. Priests and laity on the same eye level as “Ministers of the Apostolate”, as the phrase goes, was somewhat utterly new and had no tradition.....
What is your most impressive memory?
The big demonstation of “Action for Life” in 1972 on the Main Square of Linz. This demonstration admittedly remained without any political effect but it showed a distinctive sign against the spirit of the age. I organised it.
Cathcon- of you degrade the priesthood, the world will degrade the Church.
The top of the Catholic Men's Movement in Linz today- more concerned about being on the ball than anything else. But is Team Linz any longer Catholic?
A short interview with Engelbert Kefer, then Linz Secretary of the Catholic Men's Movement appeared recently.
What interests you about the history of the Catholic Men’s Movement
I find it today interesting with what feeling after the catastrophe of WW2, priests and laity have understood the serious spiritual difficulties and tried to deal with them. Priests and laity on the same eye level as “Ministers of the Apostolate”, as the phrase goes, was somewhat utterly new and had no tradition.....
What is your most impressive memory?
The big demonstation of “Action for Life” in 1972 on the Main Square of Linz. This demonstration admittedly remained without any political effect but it showed a distinctive sign against the spirit of the age. I organised it.
Cathcon- of you degrade the priesthood, the world will degrade the Church.
The top of the Catholic Men's Movement in Linz today- more concerned about being on the ball than anything else. But is Team Linz any longer Catholic?
