Stealth deaconesses

Ruf nach katholischen Diakoninnen - München -

Call for Catholic deaconesses
For women in the Catholic Church, the office of priest is closed- but now the Union of German Catholic Women calls for official permission at least for women to serve in the diaconate. This step is overdue said a press release on Monday in Munich of the Baverian Regional Union. For the Union the diaconate of women is a needed sign that women and men are at an equal level of service in following Christ.


Mitch said…
We have deaconesses, their called religious sisters. Thats what deaconesses are called in some of the oriental churches that never got rid of the office of deaconess. Pick up a habit and get to work ladies. ;-)
The_Editrix said…
Deaconesse -- can it get any more disgusting? Hey, wait! Maybe we'll have bishopettes soon! After all, if the German Protestants have a (divorced) "Bischöfin" -- why not?
Claudia Gaspar said…
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