Communists defeat Religion in Berlin

The results of the Pro Reli referendum by Berlin region.

Turnout followed by percentage yes, percentage of yes votes of the total of those eligible, percentage no, and spoilt papers.

Now compare these results with the map of Berlin

Now compare these results with the map of Berlin.

Lower turnouts in the East, all former Communist parts of East Berlin voting against and all of West Berlin voting for.

Two interpretations- either East Germans are rejecting what they see as another imposed ideology after they so enthusiastically embraced first Nazism and then Communism or all those years of atheistic indoctrination worked, "Religion is the opium of the People". But is it then democracy?

What a world we live in! There are now restaurants in West(!) Berlin where you can "relive the East German experience". Clearly the residents in the East have still not got over communism.


The_Editrix said…
I am from West Germany (the Protestant part of Westphalia) and I am living in the East (Saxony) now since September 2006. I think that qualifies me to make an educated guess. Actaully, it's more than a guess. You say: "Two interpretations- either East Germans are rejecting what they see as another imposed ideology after they so enthusiastically embraced first Nazism and then Communism or all those years of atheistic indoctrination worked, "Religion is the opium of the People".

It is certainly not the first one. Germans love totalitarian ideologies. They can't exist without one. That is why they are embracing Islam so enthusiastically.

The extent of the destruction of the souls of the people in East Germany is fathomless and the worst is that they are really feeling nostalgic about it. (Which supports the first point I made.) A side-issue in this context is the implied hypocrisy. Everybody would get a seizure if somebody would open a restaurant where you can "relive the Third Reich experience". But the second German dictatorship is quite alright. (This is a legitimate comparison, not an intellectually dishonest and ethically doubtful equation.)

Don't get me wrong, the people in Saxony are kind, helpful and friendly. They have never been, after all, Prussians. But they have been robbed of the core of their being. The only group that managed to resist to a certain extent were the Catholics.

This soullessness, the Communist nostalgia and anti-Christian sentiments of the people from the East are now exploited by demagogues from the West and Atheism and Socialism/Communism are speedily filtering down from the East to the West to form a Brave New Germany.

"But is it then democracy?"

Why, yes! Who says that democracy doesn't support the self-destruction of the people?