Eight Priests in relationships write to the Bishop of Linz

Liierte Priester schicken Bischof Schwarz Amnestie-Gesuch für Pfarrer Friedl Nachrichten.at

requesting an amnesty for Father Friedl

On Monday priest Josef Friedl must meet Bishop Ludwig Schwarz. The conversation topic is sensitive, Friedl has finally admitted that he has had a companion in life. Protection for the parish priest of Ungenach now comes from a group of priest in relationships. A group of eight priests who are in affairs with women - most of them with children - will now support Father Josef Friedl with a letter to Bishop Ludwig Schwarz . "We want to ask the bishop to show understanding for the situation of Josef Friedl and let leniency prevail," says Werner K. (Editor's name known), parish priest in a parish in Upper Austria.

He and his wife have several children and meet regularly with eight priests also in relationships. "There are still plenty of others that share our fate," he says. In his parish, the relationship with a woman and the children together was not a secret and "no problem".
Cathcon had cause to visit a priest near Linz a few years ago and found himself sitting around a table with cohabitee and some "adopted" children. Report tomorrow on Cathcon- its just the tip of the iceberg. How did the Bishops ever allow it to get into this state?


Paul said…
When oh when will it by time, for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to move the Church to put a stop to this, or excommunicate and remove faculties from all Bishops and Priests involved?
Joseph Bolin said…
In one respect, it's a problem that has arisen repeatedly in in various regions and times in Church history. But it's harder to deal with now because of the ideologies of tolerance and relativism.
Glornt said…
Of course, leniency for those who have broken their vows and lied, but no pity or consideration at all for a faithful priest whose honesty has hurt some feelings that needed some hurting. That entire diocese needs to be cleaned out.