Are we still Pope?

Top German chat show discusses recent events- - Maybrit Illner

The title plays on "We are Pope", a famous German newspaper headline the day after Pope Benedict's election.

SSPX also to be featured on Belgium TV tonight. The district superior never wanted to be a TV star, just a holy priest.


The_Editrix said…
I don't watch television, so all I can do is commenting based on the blurb to which the link leads. Broder says a lot of spot-on things about the state of affairs in contemporary Germany, but, like almost all secular critics of Islam, he makes it quite clear that he would like to see Catholicism to go to the dustbin of history next. I doubt that the producers of this chat show did NOT know and expect that. That said, what purpose the opinion of a "Wissenschaftsjournalist", whose religious affiliation is not specified, is serving in the given context will remain, I guess, the producers' secret. Maybe it is just once again that ubiquitous Zeitgeist which automatically assumes that a member of a racial minority is in possession of superior wisdom, run-of-the-mill Germans just can not have.

Beyond the realm of speculation, however, remains what purpose the presence of a professional Muslim functionary (Selma Öztürk) is serving.

One more step towards dhimmitude. Thank you, German television!