Cathcon decides to start a witchhunt

Following reports of a new liturgy in the Diocese of Linz of which this was the centerpiece.

16 witches are known to be on the run.  The Diocesan Bishop is clearly under their spell as he is not helping Rome with their inquiries.

The incident took place on the 18th April- the "Catholic" Womens Movement issued the following release.

16 women from across Upper Austria met with each other on 18.4.2008 in Wels, to exchange idea about, in some case, long years of practical experience of women's liturgical celebrations.

Doris Gabriel over many has presided over feminist liturgies in the Cardinal Koenig House in Vienna, gave impetus to re-think personal practices and encouraged an intensive exchange: “ Women’s liturgies want to create spaces where women can be visible with everything they experience in their lives and how the mind can relate to God . “Women’s liturgies” seek spaces in which women are encouraged to lay out their world, to discover their options for action. They are not merely "gas stations", where women refuel while continuing to endure conditions which threaten their lives."

Spirituality at this women's liturgy networking meeting will be understood in the sense that "God, the divine dimension in all, must and can illumine that which forms my life - God is in every individual, and comes through me into the world."

They would not be out of place at a Wiccan wedding.  Spot any similarities anyone?


When I was younger, I read all the neo-pagan books and I have to say, some of them were well written (though none well reasoned, obviously) and appealing. Their ideas certainly appealed to my adolescent sense of romanticism, much more than anything I had seen in the (I now realise horribly corrupt) Catholic churches. The ideas were certainly beautiful and mysterious and that was what I wanted.

But when it came to actually attending pagan rituals, it was all I could do to keep from laughing, so absurd was it.

The silly burly middle aged women and fat men who ought to have been acting like grownups and mowing the lawn or keeping house or attending to their businesses were there dressed up in sheets and daisy chains pointing knives and uttering the most banal teenage angst-poetry you've ever heard.

It was just embarrassing.

When I found the True Mass, and the real Catholic Faith, all that mystery and glory flooded back and I never had the urge to laugh at a priest celebrating it.

This was real.

Grownups pursuing childish fantasies is just stupid.