Hear the cries of Iraqi Christians

The customary quiet of Saturday morning in our leafy square in the centre of Brussels was interupted by the gathering of a vast crowd, some thousands strong from all over Europe. How great is divine providence that a rally of Iraqi Christians, Orthodox and Catholic,  protesting at their abuse at the hands of their Islamic countrymen had chosen to rally under the windows of our flat. A large Cross and pictures of St Theresa of Liseaux and St Joseph rapidly were place in the windows- so that they could be in no doubt of our support. Where were the senior clerics of the Church of Belgium, where were the laity of the Church in Belgium. They bleat daily about social justice and turn the blind eye of indifference to the persecuted Church.

This is a pictorial tribute to a fine group of courageous people who should be in all our prayers.

The extremists will not arrive at their goal.


The red roses of martyrdom

Living Catholicism.

Chaldean, Syriac, Assyrian- the same people

Behind the imposing Church of St Joseph

Many German speakers- which made my life easier- Christen is Christian in German.

The murdered Archbishop of Mosul- another martyr to the left- will check on the identity.

Another murdered cleric.

Stop the massacres- another cleric who has been murdered.

Catholic priest of the Chaldeans

Long-term persecution of Christians in Syria, Turkey and Iraq. 

We are against being forced out.  We need protection in our homeland.

A need for one protected zone.

Why are they silent?- the EU and the US


Anonymous said…
All but three of the image links are broken...
Vox Cantoris said…
Our Chaldean Catholic/Orthodox brethren or the oldest indigenous Christians in the world. They are still on the Nineveh plain and are descendants of Abraham. They were taught be St. Thomas the Apostle on his way to India. They are teaching us how bear the persecution.
Miles said…
I'm recognizing in one of the photos the Church of Saint Joseph, from the SSPX. Indeed, you are a men of enormous luck to have your flat located in such place.
All of the photos are now back!
I never noticed that it was an SSPX Church. But someone did tell me about riots organised by the Green Party when the Latin Mass was restored to the Church and I still have not seen Cardinal Danneels visiting. But next time that I meet him, I will invite him.
Aged parent said…
I am very pleased to see this kind of a demonstration, at long last, even if it falls somewhat short in parsing the blame to ALL the parties involved in the genocide.

These are the most forgotten Catholics, forgotten by the Church, forgotten by the media, forgotten by the Bible-thumpers who rail daily against the Mohammedans. I wish Godspeed to the protesters and hope that their trials will awaken some minds and soften some very hard hearts.

And if I could offer these good people one small, but constructive criticism: by all means tell the world who is killing your people, but do not forget who began all this recent senseless killings: the little gnomes in Washington and Tel Aviv. This inconvenient truth must never be forgotten.