Lebensraum Mass

Followed by a Voodoo Mask Mass
And it must be Wigmass


AJS said…
I think the thing that wounds me most about the ugliness of these pictures is seeing how beautiful the Baroque churches in the background are....
Anonymous said…
Schrenk, I was thinking the same thing. The tabernacle in the middle picture is amazing.

I may have to stop visiting this blog as it is becoming an occasion for the sin of ira.
Anonymous said…
...wha? lebensraum?
Cincinnatus said…
Where are these allowed and who allowed them??? I cannot believe it...do we really want "ichabod" across our doors?
Ttony said…
Does "lebensraum" have some connotation in German apart from the one used by the Nazis?
Richard Chonak said…
The wig looks like something I saw at a Wendy's.
Anonymous said…
Voodoo mask mass? Honestly, I never expected it to get that bad!!
Tom in Vegas said…
I did not know the Wendy’s girl was Catholic.

Can you also see what is exceptionally wrong here? The PRIEST, present and obviously sanctioning this type of irreverence, does nothing. It's like a parent without any parenting skills.

Rich said…
Please tell me these photos are from the 80's.