Latin Mass- appeals to Rome in the face of Episcopal obstruction
Cathcon translation of
Trotz Motu Proprio wurden fast fünfzig Gruppenanträge abgelehnt
Despite Motu proprio, fifty applications by groups have been rejected
Trotz Motu Proprio wurden fast fünfzig Gruppenanträge abgelehnt
Despite Motu proprio, fifty applications by groups have been rejected
Yesterday, the German Bishops alleged that since the Motu proprio there had been "no significant increase" in the celebration of the old Mass. But lies don't go very far (Cathcon- literally have short legs).
On the 22 January, the Catholic lay association 'Pro Ecclesia Sancta' submitted to Rome no less than 53 applications by groups for an old Mass on Sunday.
This is reported in the recent issue of the monthly newsletter message 'IK Nachrichten'.
For the purposes of the Motu proprio, the first requests were sent to the competent local priest. After a complete or partial rejection, this was then sent to the bishop.
Only after the Bishop also ignored the requests, "Pro Ecclesia Sancta" turned to the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei'.
The applications sent in are divided into three categories.
The first category contains thirty-five applications by groups, that were made by 'Pro Ecclesia Sancta', or by members of the association. Each group application contains between twenty-one or more than a hundred signatures.
The second category contains twelve applications by groups which were put forward by other groups and were rejected by the competent ecclesiastical bodies. After this, the applicants turned to the lay association 'Pro Ecclesia Sancta', and asked them to forward the request to Rome.
The third category contains six applications by groups, which were only made relatively recently. In this case, 'Pro Sancta Eccclesia' will in all "fairness" not make a formal appeal. The disclosure to the Commission is just here for information only:
"On behalf of all applicants, Pro Ecclesia Sancta invites those responsible for the Commission Ecclesia Dei quickly and fully to grant their requests."
In which Dioceses were the applications rejected?
First Category
Mönchengladbach, Diocese of Aachen
Bad Grönenbach, Diocese of Augsburg
Buch, Diocese of Augsburg
Buttenwiesen, Diocese of Augsburg
Essen-Holsterhausen, Diocese of Essen
Hanau, Diocese of Fulda
Karlsruhe-Durlach, Archdiocese of Freiburg
Zell am Hamersbach, Archdiocese of Freiburg
Freiburg, Archdiocese of Freiburg
Mannheim-Sandhofen, Archdiocese of Freiburg
Bremen-Grohn, Diocese of Hildesheim
Bad Münstereifel, Archdiocese of Köln
Bergisch Gladbach-Refrath, Archdiocese of Köln
Bonn, Archdiocese of Köln
Frankfurt am Main, Diocese of Limburg
Wiesbaden, Diocese of Limburg
Mainz-Hechtsheim, Diocese of Mainz
Darmstadt, Diocese of Mainz
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Archdiocese of Munich
Peiting, Archdiocese of Munich
Traunstein, Archdiocese of Munich
Unterschleißheim-Lohhof, Archdiocese of Munich
Paderborn, Archdiocese of Paderborn,
Warstein, Archdiocese of Paderborn
Altötting, Diocese of Passau
Passau-Heining, Diocese of Passau
Bad Kötzting, Diocese of Regensburg
Burglengenfeld, Diocese of Regensburg
Regensburg, Diocese of Regensburg
Weiden, Diocese of Regensburg
Horb-Grünmettstetten, Diocese of Rottenburg
Kirchweiler, Diocese of Trier
Aschaffenburg, Diocese of Würzburg
Schweinfurt, Diocese of Würzburg
Mellrichstadt, Diocese of Würzburg
Second Category
Schwalmtal, Diocese of Aachen
Steinfeld, Diocese of Aachen
Konstanz, Archdiocese of Freiburg
Braunschweig, Diocese of Hildesheim
Duderstadt, Diocese of Hildesheim
Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Archdiocese of Cologne
Remscheid, Archdiocese of Cologne
Gießen, Diocese of Mainz
Heede, Diocese of Osnabrück
Ravensburg, Diocese of Rottenburg
Mutterstadt, Diocese of Speyer
Zell-Merl, Diocese of Trier
Third Category
Pinkafeld, Diocese of Eisenstadt
Duisburg-Meiderich, Diocese of Essen
Kleinwalsertal, Diocese of Feldkirch
Bad Füssing, Diocese of Passau
Saalfelden, Archdiocese of Salzburg
St. Georgen/Leys, Diocese of Sankt Pölten
Cathcon comment- this is the reason the Bishops' Conference rejected the role of any advocacy or intermediate group, to try and cut off the appeals to Rome at source.