Yet another church not in the proper sense of the word
Protests against smoking ban
The legally prescribed smoking ban made a pub landlord from Schleswig-Holstein completely unhappy. Now, he has founded a religious community to whom the ritual of smoking is as essential " as among Catholics incense is." The next step: The pub will be declared to be a church.
In the fight against the non-smoking law a restaurateur from Schleswig Holstein has dug deep into the box of tricks: The landlord from Kappeln has established a religious community to allow guests once again to take up their glowing cigarettes. "Our Christian-Jewish Church has now more than 400 members," said Dirk Bruckner, owner of the pub "The Mousetrap". The founding statutes, he has cleverly sent to the State Chancellery in Kiel.
The 46-year-old wants smokers, according to his own words to be given "church asylum" and that such religious activities should not be prescribed by the state.. In many religions, the burning of substances play a role. "For Catholics, it is incense, the Buddhists have incense sticks, but for us it is cigarettes," said Bruckner. The new religious community should, according to the landlord speak to Christians, who have problems with "rigid form" and "kneeling". Instead, there should be discussions with beer and cigarettes.
Whether Bruckner can bypass the new anti-smoking law with the stunt is questionable. The Regional Health Ministry said the restaurateur "cannot go forward in this way." The Kappeln Provost, Gerhard Ulrich, a member of the church leadership, gives the application, in any case, no chance. While everyone can found a religious community, the establishment of a church as a "public corporation" is subject to high standards.
Cathcon comment- he is using the same logic as protestants throughout the world- found a church based on you and your desires. Doubtless Che would have been a welcome member.
And eventually the members will say, why bother to go to this "church" when we can smoke at home! Or perhaps, they will wander down to the erotic church service 