Ukrainian Cardinal says

married men not answer to vocations crisis

"The Vatican newspaper asked Cardinal Husar how he would respond to Latin-rite Catholics who think ordaining married men would solve the vocations crisis.

'Abolishing celibacy is not a solution in itself,' he said. 'The quality of the priest does not depend on whether or not he is married. This has been our experience, and I think people are wrong if they think the vocations problem can be resolved by ordaining married persons. It will not ensure a large number of vocations.

'I come from a priestly family,' he said. 'My grandfather was a priest, and other members of the family were priests; some were married, others were not.

'If a person is good, he will be a good priest, and this does not depend on the fact that he is married,' Cardinal Husar said."


Constantine said…
It's an argument I've heard often enough in my dialogue with some Roman Catholics (I'm Orthodox): allow married men to become priests and the vocations crisis will be averted.

It almost always goes hand-in-hand with the argument about the Eucharist celebrated in the East using the vernacular.

When it is expedient, liberals and dissidents praise the Eastern Orthodox/Catholics for married priesthood and vernacular liturgy. When it comes to our devotions to the Mother of God, ad orientem liturgical posture, preservation of ancient chant, fasting... well, that is just so much quaint ethnic stuff I suppose.