Too beautiful for the Vatican

Cathcon translation of Zu schön für den Vatikan: Papst-Sekretär Georg unter Beschuss

Pope's secretary, Georg under fire

Interviews, photos and gossip: Father George under pressure because of the media attention.

Beauty is not a sin, but in the Vatican it can cause a problem. The secretary of Benedict XVI, glamorous Georg Gänswein, is under pressure in the Vatican because of the media attention about his person.

After the gossip columns of newspapers from around the world published photos and interviews with the "right hand" man of the Pope, Gänswein became increasingly unpopular in Curial circles.

"Move into exile"

According to the Italian news magazine, Panorama, rumors are circulating about a promotion for Gänswein and he could be entrusted with a German diocese in order to remove him from Rome.
According to Panorama, "Don Giorgio," as the Italians call the German, has been advised by the Vatican to avoid interviews and public appearances.

The 51-year-old is under pressure after the Italian gossip magazine, Visto published shortly before Christmas a report on Gänswein under the title "I can not marry, but I know love". With the report, the gossip magazine published some images taken in a photo studio of the cleric.
Flirtatious youth

A stir has recently been caused by Gänswein’s interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung, in which he told of youthful flirtations with friends of his sister and said he receives dozens of love letters.
Panorama also reported that on the occasion of the Pope's visit to Austria an Austrian gay magazine published a photo of Georg Gänswein with his arm lovingly around the shoulders of the Pope. Under the photo was the title "welcome among us."
Cathcon comment: Any German Diocese will be very lucky is the Pope sends them the talented learned Monsignor. He will be more conservative than anyone who is presently in post in Germany, with the possible exception of Bishop Hanke. But once you have this sort of media exposure, the whole world is out to get you, as I found out in the week after I appeared on prime time TV in the UK some twenty years ago.


Calamitas said…
Maybe the Monsignor should have been a little bit more careful about what he told the Süddeutsche. However, this sad affair shows where the disgusting sexualisation of our society is leading to and how wrong all of us were who once had - like myself - a liberal stance about homosexuals who are to a considerable degree answerable to that sexualisation.

I can not thank you enough for your wonderful blog!