Cardinal Lehmann has again and again strengthened the Church in Germany

Ah, yes, Cardinal Lehmann receives the praise of politicians.

Cathcon translation of Pofalla: Lehmann hat Katholische Kirche immer wieder neu gestärkt

Letter addressed Cardinal Karl Lehmann from the General Secretary of the German Christian Democrats.

Eminence, with great regret, I have received the news of your resignation from the post of chairman of the German Bishops' Conference to take note. With your resignation, the German Bishops' Conference looses not only a great theologian and a scholar, but also a great pastor and Chairman.

For over twenty years, you have chaired the German Bishops' Conference and thereby determined the fate of Catholicism in Germany. In these many years, you have always remained loyal to the Church's fundamental values (Cathcon- surely not the same Cardinal Lehmann who had to be forced by Pope John Paul II to opt out of the pregnancy advice services that led to abortions) and have been engaged advocating them at all levels. At the same time, you were open to the issues of time and have prepared the necessary reform steps for the Catholic Church to meet necessary challenges. You are a master of dialogue and compromise. With your integrating force, you have again and again strengthened the Catholic church.

The Christian Democratic Union of Germany in you always had a partner in dialogue, who addressed intensively our ideas. Often, you have encouraged us to rest true to our fundamental values to remain faithful, and especially the "protection of life" at the centre of our policy. When there were different opinions, we could always find, on a shared basis, a consensus. (The reality was rather different- the CDU is now changing the deadline for embryonic stem cell research against the line of the Catholic Church- so much for the years of dialogue)

In the many years of cooperation with the Chairman of the Bishops' Conference, the man and the pastor Karl Lehmann always stood out. You have always impressed us with your warmth and kindness but especially with your humour. And often these characteristics were also essential to bringing our discussions to a successful conclusion.

I wish you all the best from the heart for the stabilization of your health and for all of us in Germany for many years an active Cardinal Karl Lehmann, who enriches our lives.

Sincerely, Ronald Pofalla, MP
