Somone should tell these Francisans

1.That Gregorian chant is environmentally friendly- no electricity no sound system.
2. The sixties are over.

Always new items on eBay


Hail3N1 said…
Why don't they just come clean, and show their tye-dye's underneath. We know they're under there.
Anonymous said…
There's an old saying in New England when someone is not happy with something decent: "Whaddya want, blood??"

People sometimes don't even hear what they are saying in 'blogs, which is becoming a problem. These dastardly Franciscans have given their hearts and lives to the Master. Whaddya want, blood??
Anonymous said…
You will looke more closely and note that many of thise Franciscans are ladies...

They are from the co-ed group in Italy - the name escapes me - where the men and women live side by side and the habit is identical.

That right there might help to indicate that these folks are not the most traditional song birds a-singin'.