One winner and sore loosers

Two items of news from the ever excellent

In step with the times

The winner of the Fourth contest, "Pastor of the Year" contest in Poland is Father Jan Dziasek of the Parish of Queen St Hedwig in Krakow.

The prelate was honoured "for his great openness of heart and for his understanding and his response to the sign of the times in a changing religious reality in Poland".

During the closing ceremony on this occasion, there was a stage show at the headquarters of the Polish bishops' conference in Warsaw.

Mass for the Conversion of the Supporters of the Tridentine Rite

The worship schedule of the 'Basilica of the Holy Apostles in Cologne' recorded as the intention on the Feast of Saint Gregory the Great:

19.00 Holy Mass for the acceptance of the teachings of the Second Vatican Council by the supporters of the Tridentine Rite.

19.45 Building up the Community Working Group. "

From the 'Initiativkreis-Nachrichten' 11/2007 page 3
