The whole world waits with baited breath

For the award of the Cardinal König Art Prize 2007. The award was set up in memory of the Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna, who had such a baleful influence on the Church. Nice man who I met once, but there is no getting around the truth about his life and work.

It was last awarded in 2005 for the lifetime achievement of one Hans Schabus, the charector of whose work can be symbolised by this.
Part of an exhibition called Astronaut.
As was this vista - so we know who they consult on Church design!
The nearest he gets to religion is a work called The Shaft of Babel.His masterwork, which draws special praise from the awarders of the prize. The Last Land.
Rest in Piece Cardinal, as you contemplate the work of one of your disciples on earth. This installation is called Rest in Piece.
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