Horseshoe Altar
While we are in Fatima, picture below of the newly opened Basilica of the Holy Trinity. The architect clearly thought he had been commissioned to design the World Parliament of Religions. What could possibly have given him that idea.

I have been in churches where, in fact, one has difficulty in hearing the priest when further from the altar, because in some places the sound system makes interference. I understand why this could be a major factor in deciding the shape. I have not been at this church yet so I cannot say if the sound reaches everywhere in good shape. Nor can I say what is the spirit of the place (if it leads to elevation to God and to worship or not). Anyway, my personal opinion from photos is that the mosaic is beautiful, while the crucifix could certainly be better. I am looking forward to see the Sacrary, which should be put in a prominent place as soon as the first tourist wave has dwindled, according to what I've heard.
Excuse me for any mistakes in my English.