Carnage in Buffalo

The Buffalo News: Home:

"Catholic Diocese of Buffalo officials utter a common refrain when discussing the future of area parishes: The church is not the building; it’s the people.

But the buildings themselves — some among the finest ecclesiastical works of architecture in the area — have long held deep meaning, both for Catholics who have worshipped in them and for residents who have admired them from afar. "

Each and every Church is the dwelling place of Jesus Christ in the tabernacle. God's home on earth to which the whole of humanity is invited. Now tell me that again Diocesan officials. These wretches would close St Peter's Basilica itself with the same argument.

The resident geniuses declare

"A congregation in the city is not viable if it has less than 500
families or any weekend mass it less than 2/3 full!"

So instead of doing the Lord's command to evangelise, they amalgamate parishes. Imagination they have not, apart from building their stock of excuses.


Anita Moore said…
Winston Churchill said: we shape our buildings, and then our buildings shape us. Never is this more true than when it comes to churches.

What these people really mean when they say "The church is not the building, it’s the people" is: sit down and shut up while we loot and pillage God's house.