An accidental visit to the Jesuits of Brussels

Warming up the crowd. Guitar player to the right, playing an indescribably bad ditty.
I said crowd. Warming up a vacancy.
Looking forward to the altar
Procession of priests
I said altar, that should be two altars and one stealth priestess.
Extraordinary Minister in a Church full of Jesuits.

The last remaining statue from the once beautiful reredos, now affixed to a side-wall

Their house chapel.

Jesuit spirituality represented by this crucifix.

Never have I found an ecclesiastical community bound into a state of living death.


Anonymous said…
Uhhh! That's the most sickening "crucifix" I've ever seen! How- no really- HOW can anyone actually like that?!
Anonymous said…
Warm greetings in the True Christmas Spirit!

I hope all is well, you seem very knowledgeable. Do you have Doctorate in Divinity or Philosophy? Anyhow, I was wondering if you could give some priceless advice. I am thinking of buying a some good old Catholic theology books for some love ones, and well, I recently received an advertisement for this very interesting book called "Communicatio in Sacris: The Roman Catholic Church against Intercommunion of non-Catholics" by Mr. William J. DeTucci.

I was wondering if you have seen any book review on this book? I could not find anything on the author. It seems the book talks about the Role of Vatican II in the Modern World and how Traditionalists have resisted many of the Modernistic teachings of Ecumenism, Religious Liberty, and a New Mass. However, I only deduce this from the table of contents and a brief overview I read here:

I would most appreciate any book review that you or a theologian has done. This books seems to have positive merit in as much it claims to be "a Compendium of Roman Catholic Doctrine on the subject of Intercommunion with non-Catholics. This book produces the overwhelming theological consensus for the Dogmatic Teaching condemning Intercommunion with non-Catholics, putting together a treasury of Sacred Scriptures, Church Fathers, Doctors, Saints, Theologians, and Popes who have written on the matter."

However, I just wanted to verify that before I make my last minute shopping for this Christmas season.

May God bless you all!

Kind regards,
