Return of the bad old days

Czech government set to confiscate Prague's Cathedral of St Veit from the Church. Cardinal objects.

The Czech Cardinal Miroslav Vlk does not want to recognise a secular court. “The High Court has not mentioned one word that we should handover the Cathedral”.

The Catholic Church should handover the Cathedral Church of St Veit which is a national symbol located next to Prague Castle. The High Court of the Country gave a short and decisive judgement at the end of January. With this judgement, the previous 2006 ruling of the Prague Court was overturned which recognised the Cathedral to be the Church’s property.

The latest ruling is a further round in the 14 year-old quarrel. “We are of the opinion that this ruling should once more come before the Courts and the judgement will be given on this occasion”, says Cardinal Vlk.

Recently, it has been noticed that there is at least one Czech policeman in the Cathedral standing watch. This is pure intimidation indicating that not only the building but also the interior is to be handed to the state, so speculates Miroslav Vlk.

“But the interior fixtures and fittings have always belonged to the Cathedral authorities” says the Cardinal. The next court hearing will take place this Friday and where the interior and exterior property will be discussed, as well as any future collaboration between state and Church.

Prague Spring Festival
in the Cathedral

The real Prague Spring. The fight against Communism, tantus labor non sit cassus, that so great a work, should not have been in vain.

A Christian Democrat "solution". Amazingly, it seems that the impetus for this aquisition is coming from the President's Office and more here.
