Not Franciscan nor even Catholic

A strange selection of quackery and pseudo-mysticism being offered by a Franciscan convent in the US.

A sad fate for a Franciscan community with such a great inheritance. The death of five Sisters from this branch of the Francican order inspired Gerard Manley Hopkins to write the Wreck of the Deutschland.

Rosemarie Burian
* Using Healing Touch as a tool for Spiritual Direction
* Seminars in Areas of Spirituality
*An Indepth Look at the Chakras

Joanne Hambor
* Therapeutic Massage
* Ear Candling
* Reiki

Mary Marzano
* Therapeutic Massage
* Neurostructural Integration
Technique (NST)

Theresa Puchley
* Naturopathic (Natural Medicine) Consultations
* Lymphatic Drainage
* Reiki Sessions
* You Are What You Eat... And Absorb
* Singing Bowl Meditation
Lisa Marie Van Getson
* Retreats and workshops: Native American

Spirituality and Franciscan Spirituality
* Native American Ceremonies
* Energy Medicine Sessions
* Reiki Sessions
* Vipassana (Insight Meditation) Instructions
* Spirituality, Healthcare And Ethics
* Spirituality And Healing: The Interrelationship Between Native American Ceremonies and Sacraments

Joyce Wehrli
* Ear Candling

Therese Yonikus
* Therapeutic Massage
* Craniosacral Therapy
* Maya Abdominal Massage
* Australian Bush Flower Essence Practitioner
* La Stone Therapy

Their chapel hosting a Mass for the radical outfit, FutureChurch that seems to welcome the declining number of priests as means to "empower" women.
