Church colleagues reprimand Bishop Mixa

The statements made by Bishop Walter Mixa on Ursula van der Leyen’s policies have found critics within both the Protestant churches and the Catholic Church. The Protestant bishop Margot Käßmann  told the Passauer Neuen Presse on Friday that she could not agree with Mixa’s critical position. 

“The Christian churches should do everything to make Germany child-friendly.”, the Bishop further more points out that nursery places for only every third child would only be available by the year 2013. Also the General Secretary of the German Catholic Central Committee ZDK Stephan Vesper was critical. He asked in a newspaper for more calm and objectivity when debating family policy. Parents should be free to choose whether they will put their children, up to the age of 3, during their worktime in a nursery facility. “We need more respect for the decision that the parents make”, says Vesper. The Parliamentary State Secretary of van der Leyen, Hermann Kues (CDU) said that the demand for an extension of the nursery provision is an old demand of the German Bishops’ Conference. Hermann Kues is a member of the ZDK. The Chistian Democratic Union family expert, Ursula Heinen reproached Bishop Mixa for being distant from reality. Bishop Mixa’s stance would lead to a childless society, she said.

Cathcon:  So much for Catholic solidarity and ecumenical partnership. The Bishop has been supported by the German Catholic Family League.


William said…
As I'm sure you know, the word "realitätsfern" is mainly used in German to vilify and disqualify someone's statements when you don't have any real arguments against what they said. So based on the reaction, I think Bishop Mixa can be assured that his statements were entirely correct and reasonable.