Welcome to modern Lent.

Apart from the Yellow Brick road, I have held off until after Easter publishing a series of stories about the way that Lent and Easter have been celebrated in the modern Catholic Church. Here is the first image from the Linz Diocesan Newspaper, which claims that Lent is now about not driving your car and introspection.

Their Lent programme "Linz lives light" Is that in the light, with less food, or without any more concern for religious obligation? Take your pick, they don't know the answer themselves.


Phoenix said…
Gillibrand, I've linked to you at my new blog, but I don't know how to leave trackbacks, being somewhat technologically challenged. Thanks for all the great stories!
Do you live in Upper Austria ?
Eric John said…
What are those guys and what's with their heads? Actually, what are they and the event organizers thinking? I know that each time I comment here, I seem to be restating the obvious. I can't help it. I just really DON'T understand.